
Showing posts from 2010

Pentax Spotmatic, the race to offer it for free began yesterday

In fact, they DON'T build things like they used to, at least at Nikon

Living with older Retinas - Kodak Retinas, that is

Semi-Minolta II, a rare treat

Praktica Nova IB: Not even the Berlin Wall could stop them

Minolta XE-7: You never forget your first camera love

Vintage cameras and vintage aircraft: birds of a feather?

The other side of the discount: When push comes to sell

Pentax Auto 110: An Instamatic Love Affair

The Canon F-1: I Find My Valentine

Vivitar 20mm f/3.8: A really wide-angle

Kodak Retinette IA: is this how I look?

Olympus 35mm f/2.8 Shift Lens: Do One Thing Well

A little Honey(well) of a camera: Dacora Dignette

Canon Photura: Now There's an Idea!

I'm 4/3rds of the way old-school